Saturday, January 23, 2010

Some new things.

I didn't want to post anything to start 2010 unless it was new material. I'm happy to report that WRESTLER ZERO is finished and will see print very soon. Once I go to print I'll let you know how you can get your hands on a FREE copy of WRESTLER ZERO #1.
I'll continue to post sketches and deleted pages on this blog. The next WRESTLER ZERO story will be shorter because I want to publish more frequently. I'm a single dad and I work a full time job so the shorter page count will help me with that goal.
Some of you may have noticed that I've deleted all of the posts that dealt with political issues exclusively. From time to time I'll post a comment on a currently extant social and/or political topic but I want this blog to focus on my artwork and my efforts to grow as an artist. My political views have evolved a great deal over the last year. The most important lesson for me is that a person should always think for himself. There is no shortage of political opinion and to the extent that you agree with it should be a reflection of what you believe intrinsically. Listen to yourself first. Make up your own mind but give opposing viewpoints a fair chance to be heard instead of allowing people you agree with to define dissenting views and their advocates for you.
To paraphrase Rod Serling: "...somewhere between anarchy and apathy lies the thinking man..."